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How to Succeed in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) Classes!

Over the course of my college experience, I've found that science and math classes are the most difficult to study for and excel in. Maybe it's just me, but these classes tend to forgo general textbook information and definitions and ask you for much more than information regurgitation, and that can be seriously frightening.

However, due to the unfair amount of courses I've had to take in these technical fields, I think I've gained some pretty useful knowledge in how to navigate these classes. I find that these classes are a different breed, but when approached properly, are more than possible to excel in!

Chats With Kat: Vol. 1

Hello friends - I am here with a little chit-chat post, and this series has a new name: Chats with Kat! I have been writing Life Updates posts for a while now, but I thought that this collection should have a a name (plus, it rhymes, which makes everything 1000000x better). It seems as though this has become a trend within the college blogging community, and while I hate to hop onto a bandwagon, I will say that I do love reading and writing these posts.

As a reader, it gives me a better idea of who the person behind the blog is - after all, nobody has ever said that your Twitter bio has to encompass every facet of the person that you are! It makes the blogging community feel close, I think. For me, even though I always feel guilty because these posts tend to come following a long break from blogging, I like to write about what's been going on. I consider you, my lovely readers, to be my friends, and this is kind of like us sitting down with a cup of coffee and catching up on our lives.

Okay, enough of me rambling - here is what's been going on lately in my life:

Fall 2017 Semester Goals

My first day of classes is today (eek!), and as I was walking around campus last week watching all of the new freshmen arrive for the first time, the realization that I am about to start my junior year of college really hit me. Junior year means getting to really know my major, taking on leadership roles in my extracurriculars, and seriously planning for the future, all things that simultaneously excite and terrify me.

In the spirit of tradition, I came up with a list of goals for the upcoming semester that I hope to complete come December. I'm a firm believer in setting goals, as I feel that they serve as really powerful motivation to sort your life out and get the ball rolling!

Here are some of the goals that I've set for myself this semester: